Friday, 16 April 2010

Name frame

I've made a few name frames for friends and family in the past and this is the direction I see my cardmaking extending into.

I like the thought of producing something that will maybe go on someone's wall - I get sad at the thought of my cards going into the recycling bin (which lets face it is probably what will happen at some point).

I've been experimenting recently and made this one yesterday - with the plan being to sell these on Folksy (personalised by request.).

I love this one - its the paper that does it for me. Sassafrass Lass are a recent discovery for me and I really like their cute retro designs.

Paper: Sassafrass Lass (Sweet Marmalade)

P.S I've just realised that the backing paper is upside down!!!


  1. Like that, I would happily buy it for younger children's bedrooms. Mine are too old now. As for the paper if you hadn't mentioned it I would never have known

  2. Aw, these are so pretty! As said above, I would never have know the paper was upside down. My son is probably the right age (2 1/2) I'll check out your Folksy shop.

  3. This is lovely! Really like the colour combination. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my fabric flowers attempts!
